A valve job

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March 23, 2022 was the date of my surgery. My heart now tests normal for the first time in my life. Are they going to take me back in time for the Viet Nam war?

The doctor told me they usually do open heart surgery for this but that the risk was too high for me. However, they were ready just in case. My defective aortic valve was covered with a cow valve. The anesthesiologist had four “layers” of what he might do. The surgeon came to see me soon after the procedure which surprised the nurses. I think he was pleased with his work. I thanked him for saving my life.

The staff said they could see the difference in the operating room. This was the best outcome, I skipped intensive care and recovery going straight to my room where Doris was waiting. Doris cried because I was talking. Before my surgery I couldn’t think and had stopped talking. Getting oxygen to the brain is wonderful.

Because I can now think better I can write my memoir. I can also write about microphones and broadcast history.

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